PHP Developer
- Bangalore/Chennai
Full Time
- Job ID: CON2019-203
- Department: Web Design
- Location: Bangalore/Chennai
- Position Grade: Developer
- No of Position: 2
- Reporting Relationships: Web Development Manager
- Bachelor’s degree and 2+ years of software development experience or equivalent, including Object Oriented design and PHP Development.
- Proficiency with front-end development and scripting including: HTML, JavaScript, Jquery, JSON, CSS, AJAX, Nodejs
- Hands-on experience with web application architecture and relational database design
- Familiarity with the XAMP environment (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
- Experience building sites to function cross-platform and cross-browser
- Experience building database-driven applications and web sites
- Experience using PHP MVC frameworks required. Experience with Code Igniter is mandatory.
- Experience on Restful API
- Software Technologies : PHP,LARAVEL, Node Js
- Database : MySQL, MongoDB
- PHP Frameworks :Laravel/Yii/Cake PHP/NOD JS
- NodejsFramework : Express/Hapi.js/Any Framworks
- Server : Basic Linux Commands
- Frontend Technologies :Jquery/Javascript, AJAX, HTML, CSS, Angular Js
- Other skills : REST API, Payment Gateway Integration, XML Web services, CURL
If you wish to apply for this job position, please fill your details in the Contact Form and mail to jobs@localhost
Please mention the following in the subject line as ‘”Position Name” –“Your Name” – “Your Current Business group”